
GSI'23 Geometric Science of Information, 30th August - September 1st 2023 Saint Malo, France

Important dates and information :

  • CMT (Microsoft Research) opening: January 15th
  • Deadline for 8 pages SPRINGER LNCS format: CLOSED
  • Notification of acceptance: April 28th, 2023
  • Final paper submission: May 25th, 2023
  • Registration opening: May 11th, 2023
  •  Author registration price:
    • 580€ – conference + gala diner (vat. incl)
    • 500€ – conference only (vat. incl)
  •  Student author registration price:
      • 350€ – conference + gala diner (vat. incl)
      • 300€ – conference only (vat. incl)

Writing your paper

  • Language: English
  • Word processor: Microsoft Word or Latex
  • Paper template: Do not change font or font-size or leading (line spacing). Keep the size of the page to A4 (21 cm x 29.70 cm)
  • Author’s identification: include affiliations of all authors, and full address including e-mail of the corresponding author.
  • Length: Maximum 8 pages (including figures and bibliography) . DO NOT number your pages
  • Special characters: when inserting special characters in text use Insert Symbol (avoid code-numbers for the symbols).

Paper templates and instructions

Use the LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates  >> Download here

The LaTeX template is also available on Overleaf

Also use the Springer’s guidelines and technical instructions for submitting your papers and more specifically :


Please kindly prepare your final camera-ready paper by taking into account the reviews available on CMT using the GSI23-CopyrightForm GSI23-CopyrightForm:

You are allowed up to ***10 pages***: That is, you may optimally use 2 extra pages since the 8-page submission.

Do not add new results but rather use the 2 extra pages to refine your explanations or enhance the style of your paper like for example using more centered math equations \[\] instead of inline equations $…$, etc.

Please submit your final camera ready paper on CMT by May 25th 2023 (anywhere on earth) as follows:

  • Name a directory with « GSI-« + your paper number and include all latex files (including macros, etc) and compiled pdf file.

The main file name of your LaTex or Word shall be « GSI-« + your paper number using 3 digits:

For example, paper number 8, 15, 110 shall be named GSI-008.tex, GSI-015.tex, GSI-110.tex, respectively, and put in a folder named GSI-008, GSI-015, GSI-110, respectively

  • Please fill and sign electronically the following LNCS copyright form (Springer Nature Licence to Publish).

Please be sure to fill in page 1 and 5 of the copyright form GSI23-CopyrightForm.docx Scan PDF of SIGNED copyright form in Copyright-GSI23-#PaperNumber.pdf

Beware that papers longer than 10 pages or not following the LNCS file format or paper missing the SIGNED copyright form will not be accepted in the proceedings.

You’ll also need to register to the conference starting MAY 11TH.

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