What to do in Saint-Malo

SAINT-MALO What are the best things to do in town?   HIGHEST TIDES IN EUROPE Saint-Malo has highest tides in Europe, and during GSI’23, we will have highest 2023 Saint-Malo tides of the year with a tide coefficient of 112…

Authors instructions

GSI’23 Geometric Science of Information, 30th August – September 1st 2023 Saint Malo, France Important dates and information : CMT (Microsoft Research) opening: January 15th Deadline for 8 pages SPRINGER LNCS format: CLOSED Notification of acceptance: April 28th, 2023 Final…


Chairmen Welcome Click here for the flyer Welcome to “Geometric Science of Information” 2023 Conference On behalf of both the organizing and the scientific committees, it is our great pleasure to welcome all delegates, representatives and participants from around the…