Conference topics

Conferences topics > Read he Call for papers Topics of interests include but are not limited to: Geometric Learning and Differential Invariants on Homogeneous Spaces Statistical Manifolds and Hessian information geometry Renyi Entropy & Information Geometric Foliation Structures of Dissipation…

Call for papers

Call for papers As for GSI’13/GSI’15/GSI’17/GSI’19/GSI’21/GSI’23, the objective of this 7th SEE GSI’25 conference, hosted in Saint-Malo, is to bring together pure/applied mathematicians and engineers, with common interest for Geometric tools and their applications for Information analysis and Learning. It…


Committees Conference Co-Chairs Frank Nielsen (Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc, Japan) Frédéric Barbaresco (SEE ISIC Club, Thales Land & Air Systems, France) Scientific Committee Bijan Afsari, Johns Hopkins University, USA Pierre-Antoine Absil, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium Jesus Angulo, Mines…